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What Are the Best Braces for Kids?

Your children–you adore them and so do we. Board-certified orthodontist Dr. Wint W. Tun and the compassionate, kid-friendly team at Harmony Orthodontics want to invite you and your children to join our family of patients. We always want the best for our young patients, so Dr. Tun offers a variety of braces for kids. To determine which is best for your child, schedule a no-cost, no-obligation orthodontic consultation in our Tomball office with Dr. Tun by calling 832-699-3683.

What happens at an ortho consultation?

Children’s smiles are as diverse as their personalities! All kids should have an ortho consult by age 7, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. Your little one may not need braces, or he might be best served by Invisalign First, and another child in your household may be well suited for traditional braces. This is why Dr. Tun offers a free consultation. 

At your first appointment, we will take x-rays and photos, then Dr. Tun sit down with you (and your child, if he wants) to explain her findings and treatment recommendations. Your input is important during the consultation because you can share valuable insight into the lifestyle factors and habits that will help us choose the best braces for your child.

Now, let’s explore the options. The following braces for kids are available in our Tomball orthodontist office.

Types of Children’s Braces: Ages 6 to 9

The type of braces your child needs will depend upon his specific case and age. Early orthodontics, also called phase one ortho or interceptive braces, creates additional space in the mouth for incoming permanent teeth. This allows your child to avoid future extractions, which are necessary when kids’ mouths are too small for all their permanent teeth. In addition, phase one ortho can set a child up for fewer orthodontic issues in his teens and adult years.

If a child needs phase one, Dr. Tun may suggest Invisalign First or palatal expanders prior to placing traditional braces. Both types of braces for kids have pros and cons.

Traditional Braces for Phase One Orthodontics

The braces we know from our childhood have significantly evolved in the past few decades. Today, traditional braces for kids are smaller, lighter, and less obtrusive than the train tracks you may have worn.

Dr. Tun will recommend traditional braces for kids when simpler options, like Invisalign First, won’t solve the orthodontic issues.

With braces, more precise tooth movement can be achieved. Issues like lifting teeth further out of the jaw or pressing them deeper can only be achieved with traditional braces. Twisted teeth require a straightening strategy that only traditional braces can achieve, as well. Perhaps most important, patients cannot remove traditional braces, so compliance is practically guaranteed. Invisalign First requires that the patient choose to comply every day to be effective.

Also, in phase one ortho, we use a palatal expander to guide bone growth of the upper jaw, creating room for incoming permanent teeth. While Invisalign First also expands the upper palate, it isn’t ideal for extremely narrow mouths. Once the palate is sufficiently expanded with a palatal expander, in some cases the patient can opt for Invisalign instead of traditional braces.

Invisalign First: Removable, Clear Aligners for Kids

In the past, Invisalign was made only for adults, then they created version for teenagers. Today, parents and young children can opt for Invisalign First, an effective phase one orthodontic therapy for children, ages 6 to about 9. The clear aligners are made with the same special software and materials we use for Invisalign for adults and Invisalign Teen. 

Invisalign First can expand the upper palate without the use of a traditional palatal expander with a key. However, children must wear their aligners as instructed, 22 hours per day, to see projected results. Non-compliance or partial-compliance will delay results and could allow relapse, meaning teeth shift back out of alignment when the aligner isn’t worn. Relapse creates the need for a new treatment plan, so wearing the aligners as instructed is imperative for success.

Invisalign First is wonderful for oral home care! The removable aligners can be brushed and rinsed clean, and teeth are free of any obstruction. The patient should floss and brush normally, but parents, please make sure your child does a thorough job morning and evening.

Learn More About Braces for Kids

If you want to talk with board-certified orthodontist Dr. Wint W. Tun about the best braces for your kids, give us a ring at 832-699-3683. Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation orthodontist consultation today!

“How can I tell if my child needs braces?”

This is a great question that all parents of young children should have answered. Board-certified orthodontist Dr. Wint W. Tun at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, will provide you with a lengthy but thorough answer in today’s blog, so read on. If you have additional questions or want to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation braces consultation with Dr. Tun after reading this blog, give us a call at 832-699-3683.

When to See the Orthodontist for a Braces Consultation

All children should have an ortho consult by the age of seven, according to the American Orthodontists Association (AAO). However, if your kiddo is over 7, bring him in any way! It’s never too late to improve dental alignment for more comfortable oral function and to create ample space for teeth to develop.

On the flip side, if your little one seems to have an orthodontic problem before age 7, Dr. Tun will be happy to evaluate his dentition. A consultation will provide you with all the info you need to make wise choices about your child’s orthodontic care.

The AAO also provides parents with excellent tips on determining whether a child needs braces. Dr. Tun will share those tips here, along with additional explanations to help you understand the symptoms of needing braces.

Losing Baby Teeth Early or Late

A child’s bottom and top center teeth, called incisors, usually fall out naturally between the ages of six and eight. On either side of these four incisors are the canines, or cuspids. The canines and first molars usually fall out between ages nine and 12. Around age 10 to 12, the last teeth left, the second molars, fall out. If your child’s teeth fall out more than a year before or after these age ranges, he might need braces.

Trouble Biting and/or Chewing Foods

At any age, if a child’s teeth hurt when he bites and chews, he may need braces. The pain referenced here is not “teething” – the expected discomfort that occurs when primary and permanent teeth erupt from the gums. Instead, this pain only happens while the child eats and may be felt in one or more existing teeth.

Breathing Through the Mouth: Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is the term we give to the condition that causes a person the inability breathe normally through the nose. These people breathe only through the mouth. This is different from when a child has a stuffy nose associated with a cold, flu, allergies, or sinus irritation. Mouth breathing is constant. In addition to causing sleep disorders, mouth breathing can alter the proper development of the face and jaws. Braces can help reshape the face and prevent mouth breathing.

Sounds from the Jaw

If your child’s jaw joint(s) pops, clicks, or cracks when he chews, talks, or yawns, he may need braces. When one or both jaw joints aren’t properly aligned, a person can develop TMJ disorder, which causes many issues, including pain ranging from mild to severe. 

Constantly Biting His Cheeks

Some people chew on the inside of their cheeks due to stress or anxiety, which is not indicative of needing orthodontics. Others accidentally bite their cheeks repeatedly when eating and speaking. This symptom can indicate a crossbite or other orthodontic condition that requires treatment with braces. 

Facial Unsymmetry or Imbalance

The appearance of our cheeks, lips, and chin has much to do with the underlying structure provided by jaws and teeth. If your child’s face seems imbalanced, his occlusion may need correction. We call this condition malocclusion, and braces can treat it. Occlusion is defined as the relationship between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed. Malocclusion can cause many issues, ranging from tooth wear and breakage to TMJ disorder.

An Image Says It All

This PDF, provided by the AAO, shows parents what different types of orthodontic issues look like. Compare your child’s mouth to these images, and if you notice similarities, give us a call. Your child may need braces as early as age six or seven. At this age, we use early orthodontics to direct proper development of the jaws and teeth, to reduce the potential for more complex issues later in life.

No-Cost, No-Obligation Braces Consultation

If you notice any of the symptoms described above or your child’s smile appears to have similarities to the images in the AAO’s pdf file, call Harmony Orthodontics today to schedule a visit. Dr. Tun’s no-cost, no-obligation consultation includes X-rays and a sit-down meeting so that she can show you her findings and explain whether your child needs braces. Give us a ring at 832-699-3683.

What Newcomers Should Know About Invisalign®

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, Invisalign is a popular and discreet option that can straighten your teeth without the use of traditional braces. While Invisalign treatment is ideal for most patients, there are still a few things to consider.

Are you ready to explore Invisalign with a top-ranking orthodontist in Tomball, TX? Delve deeper with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Schedule your Invisalign consultation today at (832) 699-3683 to get started toward your dream smile!

As a newcomer to Invisalign, it’s essential to understand the treatment process, benefits, and key considerations. This blog provides a concise guide to help you make an informed decision.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign utilizes a series of custom-made clear aligner trays to gradually shift teeth into the desired position. Orthodontists use advanced 3D imaging technology to create these trays according to a precise treatment plan.

Patients must wear each set of aligners for roughly one to two weeks, for no fewer than 20 hours a day. Regular check-ups with an orthodontist allow for frequent adjustments to ensure speedy and natural progress. The treatment duration varies depending on individual needs but typically ranges from several months to over a year.

Benefits of Invisalign 

One of the primary advantages of Invisalign is its discreet appearance. The aligners are nearly invisible, making them an attractive option for individuals seeking a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces

Additionally, the aligners are removable, enabling patients to eat their favorite foods without restrictions while maintaining optimal oral hygiene. And, unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are smooth plastic, making them a more comfortable option for most patients. 

Lastly, the treatment process typically involves fewer office visits compared to traditional braces. This can save patients significant time and hassle. 

Compliance and Commitment

For successful Invisalign treatment, it is crucial to comply with the prescribed guidelines. Patients must wear their aligner trays for the recommended 20 to 22 hours daily, only removing them when eating, drinking (except water), brushing, and flossing. Failure to adhere to this schedule may prolong the treatment duration or compromise the desired outcome. 

Additionally, patients should maintain diligent and regular oral hygiene practices (such as daily brushing and flossing) to avoid cavities and other oral health issues. Compliance and commitment are key to achieving optimal results with this corrective treatment.

Potential Discomfort and Adjustments

Generally, patients consider Invisalign more comfortable than traditional braces. However, this does not mean that Invisalign is completely painless. Most patients experience some mild to moderate discomfort with the progression of clear aligner treatment. This is completely normal and to be expected.

The discomfort that patients feel with each new set of aligners usually subsides as the teeth adjust to the aligners. This can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. Alert your orthodontist if the pain lasts longer than three days. 

Invisalign in Tomball, TX

Invisalign offers a discreet and convenient solution for individuals seeking a straighter smile. Are you ready to see if this treatment is right for you? Schedule a consultation with the team at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, today! Call our front desk at (832) 699-3683 or get scheduled online here.

Five Little-Known Reasons to Visit an Orthodontist Beyond Straighter Teeth

When it comes to orthodontics, most people associate it with the process of getting straighter teeth and a beautiful smile. While that’s certainly one compelling reason to visit an orthodontist, the scope of their expertise extends far beyond mere aesthetics. An orthodontist is a highly trained dental professional who specializes in diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities.

Are you looking for a top-rated orthodontist near Tomball, TX? Come meet Dr. Wint W. Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Just schedule a 30-minute consultation with our team today at (832) 699-3683 to get started.

In this blog, we explore some lesser-known reasons to visit an orthodontist that go beyond achieving a straighter set of teeth. You might be surprised to learn how beneficial these specialists really are!

Improved Oral Health

Orthodontic treatment doesn’t just enhance the appearance of your smile–it plays a crucial role in improving your oral health, too. 

Crowded and misaligned teeth can create tiny nooks and crannies that can be extremely difficult to clean. This can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease

By aligning your teeth properly, orthodontic treatment makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. As a result, an orthodontist can help you reduce the risk of dental issues to promote better oral health throughout your life.

Enhanced Digestion

Chewing is the first step in the digestive process, and the alignment of your teeth can significantly impact how effectively you break down your food. In fact, some research suggests that improper chewing due to poor dentition can lead to digestive issues, like acid reflux, bloating, and gas.

By addressing malocclusions and bite issues, an orthodontist can help ensure that your teeth are properly aligned. As a result, you may notice a marked improvement in your digestive health.

Alleviation of Jaw Pain and Headaches

Orthodontic problems like overbites, underbites, and crossbites can strain the jaw joints. Over time, this can lead to jaw pain, chronic headaches, and other health issues. By realigning the teeth and correcting the bite, an orthodontist can relieve the stress on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and alleviate associated pain. 

Speech Improvement

Our teeth are a large part of what gives us the ability to speak. When they aren’t in proper alignment, then it can affect our speech patterns. This can make it more difficult for some people to convey their thoughts and feelings efficiently. 

Orthodontic treatments (like braces or Invisalign®) with Dr. Tun can help patients gain clearer speech and enhanced communication skills.

Prevention of Dental Injuries

Protruding teeth or misaligned jaws can increase the risk of dental injuries, particularly in active individuals or those involved in contact sports. Orthodontic treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of dental trauma (such as chipped or fractured teeth) that may occur during accidents or sports-related activities.

Five-Star Orthodontist Near Tomball, TX

While achieving straighter teeth and a beautiful smile are undoubtedly popular reasons to visit an orthodontist, there are broader benefits. Want to see how our Tomball orthodontist can help you get a healthier, more functional smile? Contact Harmony Orthodontics today at (832) 699-3683 or schedule an appointment online here.