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What’s the Difference Between Regular Retainers and Permanent Retainers?

Whether you’ve just shed your braces or finished your aligner treatment, the next step in your journey to a dazzling smile involves retainers. But with so many choices, you might find yourself asking, “What’s the difference between regular retainers and permanent retainers?” Our Tomball, TX, orthodontist is here to help you choose.

Don’t give your newly-straightened grin a chance to move back to its original position. Preserve your orthodontic results with custom-made retainers at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX. Just call Dr. Wint Tun at (832) 699-3683 to schedule your appointment now! 

Regular Retainers: The Removable Sidekick

So, what’s the difference between regular retainers and permanent retainers? Well, regular retainers are removable, making them a convenient option for most patients

Regular retainers are perfect for those who enjoy flexibility, but forgetting to wear them can lead to dental shifting. Indeed, even one week without wearing a retainer can lead to unwanted migration. This means that these appliances require strict discipline

These devices usually come in two popular forms: Hawley retainers and clear plastic retainers.

Hawley Retainers 

These classic wire-and-acrylic retainers are durable and adjustable, meaning Dr. Tun can tweak them if needed. Hawley retainers do a great job of keeping your teeth in line while letting your gums breathe.

Clear Plastic Retainers

Clear plastic retainers are nearly invisible, making them a favorite for those who prefer a discreet look. They’re custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, holding them in place without being seen.

Permanent Retainers: The Hidden Hero

Now, let’s talk about permanent retainers, also known as fixed retainers. These are like the secret agents of the retainer universe, working behind the scenes to keep your smile in check. 

Permanent retainers consist of a thin wire bonded to the back of the upper or lower teeth (or both!).

Permanent retainers are a fantastic option for those who might be a little forgetful when it comes to wearing removable retainers. Because they’re fixed, you don’t have to worry about taking them in and out, which means you can’t lose them!

However, there’s a catch. Since you can’t remove them, cleaning around permanent retainers can be a bit trickier. It’s essential to maintain excellent oral hygiene, using special floss or a water flosser to keep the area around the retainer spotless.

Which One is Best for You?

So, what’s the difference between regular retainers and permanent retainers? And which is best for your needs? It really depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences.

If you value flexibility and don’t mind the responsibility of remembering to wear your retainer, regular retainers might be your best bet. They’re easy to clean and can be removed for special occasions or meals.

If you’re prone to forgetting or losing things, a permanent retainer could be your best friend. It stays put, providing continuous support without you having to lift a finger.

Preserve Your Smile with Retainers at Harmony Orthodontics

When pondering, “What’s the difference between regular retainers and permanent retainers?” remember that both have their own unique benefits tailored to different needs. Whether you opt for the reliable regular retainers or the steadfast permanent retainers, the key is to choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and ensures your smile remains as perfect as the day your braces came off.

Keep your smile beautifully aligned with custom-made retainers made by Dr. Wint Tun. Call (832) 699-3683 or click here to request your appointment now!

Orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, Explains: Why do teeth move after orthodontic treatment?

Completing orthodontic treatment is an exciting milestone, but many patients are surprised to discover that their teeth can still shift after completing braces or clear aligner therapy. This movement, known as relapse, is a common occurrence and can be frustrating after months or even years of treatment. Our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, is here to explain why relapse happens.

Whether you want to start orthodontic treatment or maintain your hard-earned results, the team at Harmony Orthodontics has your back. Contact our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, at (832) 699-3683 to see how we can bring life, joy, and harmony to your smile!

The Dynamics of Tooth Movement

Orthodontic treatments work by applying gentle, consistent pressure on teeth, guiding them into their ideal positions. This process involves remodeling the bone around the teeth, which makes it flexible enough for the teeth to move. 

However, once this pressure is removed, the bone begins to solidify, but this process takes time. During this period, teeth are prone to shifting back to their original positions due to the elastic memory of the surrounding tissues, particularly the periodontal ligaments.

The Role of Periodontal Ligaments

Periodontal ligaments are connective tissues that attach the teeth to the surrounding bone. Without a stabilizing force, such as a retainer, these ligaments can pull the teeth back toward their original positions.

Natural Forces and Habits

Orthodontic treatment realigns teeth, but it doesn’t eliminate the natural forces that act on them. So, apart from the biological memory of teeth, natural forces like chewing and habits such as tongue thrusting or teeth grinding can influence tooth movement over time.

The Importance of Retainers

To combat shifting teeth, our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, prescribes retainers. These custom-made devices hold teeth in their new positions, allowing the surrounding bone and tissues to stabilize. 

Generally, there are two types of retainers: fixed and removable. Fixed retainers attach directly to the backs of teeth, providing continuous support. Removable retainers, on the other hand, can be taken out, which increases the risk of relapse. Indeed, 40% of removable retainer wearers experience relapse, making proper retainer wear and adherence a must.  

How Long Should Retainers Be Worn?

Generally, our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, recommends wearing retainers full-time for the first few months post-treatment. After approximately six months of continuous wear, patients can then transition to nighttime wear indefinitely. 

Consistent retainer use is crucial for long-term stability, and neglecting this can lead to relapse.

Maintaining Orthodontic Results

To ensure lasting results, it’s essential to follow Dr. Tun’s recommendations for retainer wear and care. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene, consistent retainer wear, and treating certain conditions (like teeth grinding or TMJ pain) can keep teeth aligned, healthy, and functional for life.  

Meet Our Orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, Today!

It’s normal for teeth to move after orthodontic treatment, but retainers can preserve your hard-earned results. So, keep your smile aligned for years to come with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics today. Easily schedule appointments with our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, here or at (832) 699-3683. 

Is it ever too late to straighten teeth?

Many people wonder, “Is it ever too late to straighten teeth?” Whether you’re a teenager who missed the braces bus or an adult contemplating a straighter smile, you might think the ship has sailed on orthodontic treatment. But guess what? It’s never too late to embark on the journey to a perfect smile!

When it comes to getting a straighter smile, there’s no time like the present. Learn more about your orthodontic candidacy by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Reach our Tomball, TX, orthodontist at (832) 699-3683 for scheduling.

Debunking the Myth: Orthodontics Isn’t Just for Kids

First off, let’s debunk the myth: orthodontic treatment is not just for kids and teens

While it’s true that childhood is an ideal time for orthodontics due to the rapid growth and development of the jaw, adults can benefit just as much from straightening their teeth

So, is it ever too late to straighten teeth? Absolutely not!

Age and Orthodontic Treatments

As we age, our teeth can shift due to various factors such as natural growth, tooth loss, or even habits like grinding or clenching. Adults may face different challenges compared to younger patients, such as bone density changes and gum health issues. 

However, modern orthodontics has advanced significantly, offering a range of solutions tailored to different age groups.

Orthodontics for Younger Patients

For younger patients, treatments often leverage the natural growth processes. Devices like traditional braces or clear aligners work effectively with the body’s growth patterns, guiding teeth into their ideal positions as the jaw develops.

Orthodontics for Adults

For adults, orthodontic treatment can be just as effective, albeit sometimes more complex. Adults often have fully developed jawbones, which can mean treatment might take a bit longer. However, the outcomes can be just as remarkable. 

Treatments might include braces, clear aligners like Invisalign®, or other appliances designed to fit seamlessly into an adult’s lifestyle.

When is the best time to straighten teeth?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, the best time to straighten teeth often starts as early as seven years of age

At this age, most children have mixed dentition, which means that their smiles have a mix of baby and adult teeth. Many orthodontists consider this the best time to correct alignment and bite issues, as the jaw is still pliable enough to move teeth easier, faster, and with fewer complications.

But if you’re past your tween or teen years, don’t worry! The question, “Is it ever too late to straighten teeth?” still has a positive answer.

The Bottom Line

So, is it ever too late to straighten teeth? Not at all. Whether you’re 15, 35, or 65, achieving a straight smile is within your reach. The key is to consult with an orthodontist who can assess your individual needs and recommend the best treatment plan for you.

Explore Early Orthodontic Treatment in Tomball, TX

If you’re wondering, “Is it ever too late to straighten teeth?” remember that age is just a number. The benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile are timeless, and it’s never too late to start your journey towards better oral health and a boost in confidence.

Nonetheless, early intervention could save you valuable time and money. So, why not explore early orthodontic treatment with a top-rated orthodontist near you? Contact Dr. Wint Tun online, or call Harmony Orthodontics at (832) 699-3683 to schedule a consultation now!

6 Tips for Maintaining Your Clear Aligners and Braces

Maintaining your clear aligners and braces is essential for achieving the best results in orthodontic treatment. Whether you have opted for the subtlety of clear aligners or the reliability of traditional braces, following proper care routines will ensure your treatment progresses smoothly and effectively.

Still not decided on clear aligners or traditional braces? Contact Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Our orthodontist helps patients in Tomball, Spring, and The Woodlands, TX, determine the best course of action for their smiles. So, don’t wait – get tailored care by calling (832) 699-3683 now! 

In today’s post, Dr. Tun reveals six tips to help you keep your aligners and braces in top condition.

1. Clean Your Aligners and Braces Regularly

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your clear aligners and braces is keeping them clean. For aligners, you should clean them every time you brush your teeth. Use a soft toothbrush and a mild, clear, unscented liquid soap or a specialized aligner cleaning solution. 

For braces, brush your teeth completely after every meal, and don’t forget to clean close to the brackets and wires to prevent buildup and tooth decay.

2. Be Mindful When Eating and Drinking

Maintaining your clear aligners and braces involves knowing when to take them out. Always remove your aligners when eating or drinking anything other than plain water

For those with braces, stay away from chewy, crunchy, or sticky foods that can damage the brackets and wires. Additionally, cut food into smaller pieces to make chewing easier and reduce the risk of damage.

3. Store Aligners Properly

Whenever you remove your aligners, stow them in their special container to prevent losing or damaging them. Keeping them out in the open increases the risk of exposure to bacteria, which can cause infections or unpleasant odors. Keeping them in the case also helps prevent accidental damage or misplacement.

4. Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Following Dr. Tun’s instructions is crucial for maintaining your clear aligners and braces. Adhere to the recommended wear time for aligners (which most professionals suggest wearing for 20 to 22 hours daily) to ensure effective treatment. 

For braces, attend all scheduled appointments for adjustments and follow any specific care instructions provided by Dr. Tun. Ignoring these guidelines can prolong your treatment time and lead to complications.

5. Avoid Whitening Products

While maintaining your clear aligners and braces, it’s important to avoid whitening products. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash can cause uneven coloring on your teeth because the areas covered by the brackets or aligners won’t be exposed to the whitening agents. 

Stick to regular, non-whitening toothpaste and a fluoride mouthwash to keep your teeth healthy and clean during treatment.

6. Address Issues Promptly

Addressing any issues promptly is vital for maintaining your clear aligners and braces. If you notice any cracks, damage, or discomfort with your aligners, contact Dr. Tun immediately to get a replacement or adjustment. 

For braces, if a wire comes loose or a bracket breaks, schedule an appointment as soon as possible to fix the issue and prevent further damage.

Braces and Clear Aligners Near Tomball, TX

Are you ready for a healthier, more harmonious smile? Contact Harmony Orthodontics today to schedule a consultation for braces or clear aligners. Schedule appointments with our Tomball, TX, dentist online, or simply dial (832) 699-3683 for booking and information. 

Everything You Need to Know About Fixed Retainers

After wearing braces or clear retainers for orthodontic treatment, all patients must wear a retainer to keep their teeth in proper alignment. Some patients feel frustrated to learn that retainers should be worn indefinitely, even if only overnight. To make this requirement hassle-free and worry-free, fixed retainers present a great option. 

At Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, Dr. Wint Tun and our team can answer all your questions about retainers. If you’re considering orthodontics, need a retainer, or need a replacement retainer, call us at 832-699-3683.

In today’s blog, you’ll learn about:

  • Retainer options
  • Fixed retainers
  • Orthodontic relapse
  • Scheduling your visit

Options for Orthodontic Retainers

Orthodontic patients have a variety of options for retainers, including different styles for the upper and lower arches. Here’s a brief description of the choices:

  • Fixed retainers: As the name implies, fixed retainers are non-removable. 
  • Removable retainers: These appliances can be removed for cleaning, eating, or special occasions.
  • Clear plastic retainers: Also called Essix retainers, these are plastic aligners that fit over teeth.
  • Vivera by Invisalign: These are like Invisalign retainers, but thicker.
  • Positioners: Rubber aligners fit over teeth like clear plastic retainers.

About Fixed Retainers

Under the category of fixed retainers, patients can opt for lingual or bonded styles. We affix lingual retainers to the back of teeth, and they usually extend between the canines. Bonded retainers can span across teeth or be attached to each tooth, as pictured. 

Why choose a fixed retainer?

With a fixed retainer, patients do not have to worry about losing the appliance or forgetting to wear it. Though they may need periodic adjustments, fixed retainers can last many years. If your orthodontic treatment was complex or you’re concerned about losing or forgetting to wear your retainer, a fixed appliance may suit you well.

How do you take care of a fixed retainer?

Use a traditional or electric toothbrush with fluoridated toothpaste and brush all teeth surfaces, as well as the retainer, for two minutes. Angling the toothbrush can be more effective, and don’t neglect brushing at the gumline. 

For flossing, try using a floss threader, interdental toothbrush, or water flosser. Be sure to floss once a day, at a minimum. Flossing after meals will keep your retainer clean and help freshen your breath.

Plan to visit your orthodontist for retainer checks. Dr. Tun can identify whether a fixed retainer needs to be adjusted or replaced. 

Orthodontic Relapse

If you choose not to wear a retainer or don’t regularly wear your retainer, your teeth could relapse. This means they could move out of proper alignment. Orthodontic relapse can appear as teeth crowding, new gaps emerging between teeth, a change in the way upper and lower teeth fit together, or a tight sensation. 

If your teeth relapse, you may be eligible for short-term orthodontic treatment to realign teeth. A fixed retainer will ensure that you don’t fall victim to relapse again. 

Schedule Your Visit Now!

Thinking about straightening your teeth? Have questions about retainers? Call Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball today at 832-699-3683 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tun. We are accepting new patients and look forward to meeting you!

Orthodontist Answers to Palatal Expanders FAQs

If your child’s upper palate is too small for developing permanent teeth, the orthodontist may suggest wearing a palatal expander. This device is attached to the upper palate and applies pressure to the developing bone. Over a few months, the palatal expander will inspire the bone to grow wider, creating sufficient space for incoming teeth to align beautifully.

At Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, Dr. Wint Tun and our team provide a five-star orthodontic experience to children and adults. If you’ve received an orthodontic referral from your general dentist or want to schedule a complimentary orthodontic consultation with Dr. Tun, call us at 832-699-3683 today. 

Why does a child need a palatal expander?

Patients diagnosed with crossbite, crowding, impaction, or breathing issues may need a palatal expander. 

How does a palatal expander work?

In the center of the expander, a small screw determines the lateral pressure. The parent or patient uses a small key to adjust the expander at home. 

How often does the expander need adjustment?

Dr. Tun will inform you of the best schedule for adjusting the expander. Usually, treatment involves turning the key once or twice a day. At your orthodontist appointments, Dr. Tun will monitor treatment progress and let you know when it’s time to remove the appliance.

Is a palatal expander painful?

Initially, the patient will feel some discomfort due to the pressure the expander exerts. Also, speech may be temporarily affected until the patient adjusts to wearing the expander. With time, the patient’s mouth and tongue will become accustomed to the expander. Take age-appropriate over-the-counter NSAIDs as per the instructions for pain relief. 

Are palatal expanders for kids only, or also for adults?

Children’s bones are more apt to respond well to a palatal expander since they’re still growing. If we advise an adult patient to wear a palatal expander, expect slower treatment and longer treatment time. In rare cases, an adult may need surgical intervention to widen the upper palate.

Are there any dietary restrictions while wearing an expander?

Yes. Dietary restrictions with an expander are the same as with braces. Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods; don’t chew gum; and avoid eating popcorn. At your appointment, Dr. Tun can provide a complete list of dietary restrictions.

How should a palatable expander be cleaned?

When brushing and flossing, clean on and around the expander.  After brushing and flossing, rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to thoroughly clean your mouth and expander. If the appliance is damaged, call us to schedule a visit so that we can repair the device.

What will happen after the orthodontist removes the expander?

In most cases, a patient will wear braces or a retainer after we remove the palatal expander. The goal is for permanent teeth to align properly for esthetics and a healthy bite.

What potential risks and complications come with this treatment?

An expander can irritate gums and teeth, though some discomfort is normal. Attend scheduled appointments so that Dr. Tun can make sure your teeth and gums remain healthy during treatment. 

How can I find out if a palatal expander is right for me or my child?

Your child is between six and ten years old, your pediatric or family dentist may recommend an orthodontic consultation. Alternatively, you may want your child to undergo an orthodontic exam and consultation. Harmony Orthodontics offers a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, so call us today at 832-699-3683 or book your appointment online. Located in Tomball, we serve patients in The Woodlands, Spring, and surrounding communities.

Orthodontics Straighten Teeth for a New You!

Do you judge people by how their teeth look? Unintentionally, we all do. In fact, studies show that we assume people with straight teeth and an attractive smile are friendlier, wealthier, healthier, and more intelligent than others. If you’re thinking about finding the best way to straighten your teeth, this article is a great place to start. 

In today’s blog, you’ll learn:

  • Orthodontic Options for Adults & Teens
  • Why Straight Teeth Are Healthier
  • How to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you’re ready for a free orthodontic consultation, call Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, at 832-699-3683 now. Dr. Wint Tun and our team promise a positive experience and head-turning results!

Orthodontic Options for Adults

Adults and teenagers have two primary options to straighten their teeth:

  1. Invisalign: clear, removable orthodontic aligners
  2. Traditional braces: clear or metal brackets

About Invisalign

Without metal brackets and wires, Invisalign’s clear, removable aligners straighten teeth in less time than traditional braces, with more comfort and convenience. Most patients qualify for Invisalign and prefer clear aligners to brackets and wires. Invisalign aligners can be removed when the patient brushes and flosses, as well as on important occasions, like weddings and photo shoots.

Invisalign aligners are fabricated in a certified Invisalign laboratory. Dr. Tun will take digital scans of your teeth and mouth, then send them along with her specifications to the lab. There, your series of custom acrylic aligners will be made. 

You will wear the aligners one at a time, in order. Each aligner should be worn for about a week and then discarded. Total treatment time is approximately 10-18 months, in most cases.

About Traditional Braces

You can opt for metal or clear brackets if you choose traditional braces. Many adults and teenagers prefer the clear brackets because they’re less noticeable. 

In some cases, patients don’t qualify for Invisalign because of the type of treatment needed. For instance, Invisalign cannot lift teeth, so if one of your teeth is set too deeply in its socket, only traditional braces will lift it into alignment with other teeth. Another example is Invisalign’s inability to straighten teeth twisted (rotated) greater than 20 degrees. 

Treatment time for traditional braces is 18-24 months, on average. Patients are given specific instructions for the care and maintenance of their braces. Some foods should be avoided, and special tools are needed to thoroughly clean teeth, brackets, and wires. 

Why Straight Teeth Are Healthier

Besides looking fantastic, straight teeth reduce the risk of plaque and tartar buildup, thus decreasing the potential for developing gum disease and cavities. Furthermore, straight teeth and a balanced bite reduce the risk of painful TMJ disorders.

Emotional health is also a consideration. A person who likes his smile is more likely to share it. This leads to better emotional health and self-confidence that may positively influence social, romantic, and professional pursuits. This article on NBC’s website explains the scientific proof about how smiling makes people feel happier.

The First Step to Straighten Teeth is a Complimentary Consultation

To learn whether Invisalign or traditional braces are best for your situation, book a free orthodontic consultation with Dr. Wint Hun today. Board-certified in orthodontics, Dr. Tun owns and operates Harmony Dental. Our office serves patients from Spring, The Woodlands, and surrounding communities.

Call Harmony Dental, located in Tomball, TX, at 832-699-3683. We look forward to helping boost your self-confidence and overall health with orthodontic treatments to straighten your teeth. At our office, you can expect superior service and sensational results!

Orthodontic Cases Aligners Can Not Treat

Are you dreaming of a straighter, more confident smile? You’re not alone! Many people turn to orthodontic treatments to achieve their smile goals, often considering aligners as a popular option. While aligners work wonders for many cases, there are some orthodontic cases aligners can not treat. 

While clear aligners, like Invisalign®, are an excellent option for most patients, they may not be ideal for all patients. A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, can help you determine if aligners are a good fit for you. Get started by scheduling your consultation at (832) 699-3683!

Unfortunately, there are orthodontic cases aligners can not treat. However, this news shouldn’t deter you from exploring alternative options for unlocking the smile of your dreams!

Understanding Orthodontic Cases Aligners Can Not Treat

Aligners, like Invisalign, have gained popularity for their nearly invisible nature and convenience. But that’s not all.

Clear aligners are effective in correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, from mild to moderate cases

However, there are certain orthodontic cases aligners can not treat, including:

Severe Crowding

In cases of severe bunching, where teeth are tightly packed and overlapping, aligners may not have enough space to properly align the teeth.

Complex Bite Issues

Aligners may not be able to address complex bite issues, such as extreme:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites

Vertical Tooth Movement 

Aligners are primarily designed for the horizontal movement of teeth. Cases requiring significant vertical tooth movement may not be suitable for aligner treatment.

Certain Tooth Rotations

While aligners can handle mild to moderate tooth rotations, cases involving severe or complicated rotations may require alternative orthodontic treatments.

Multiple Missing Teeth

Aligners rely on the presence of teeth to provide anchorage and move them into the desired position. In cases of multiple missing teeth, alternative methods may be necessary.

Exploring Alternative Orthodontic Solutions

If your orthodontic case falls into one of the above categories where aligners may not be the ideal choice, fear not! There are alternative orthodontic solutions available to help you achieve your dream smile, including:

Traditional Braces 

Traditional braces are highly effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including: 

  • Severe crowding
  • Complex bite problems
  • Significant tooth rotations. 

Clear Braces

For those seeking a more discreet option than traditional braces, clear braces offer a uniquely subtle alternative

They function similarly to metal braces but use tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires to blend in with your natural smile.

Retainers and Splints 

In some cases, patients can use retainers or splints in conjunction with other orthodontic treatments to:

  • Stabilize teeth
  • Correct minor misalignments
  • Maintain the results of previous orthodontic work.

Follow Your Path to a Beautiful Smile at Harmony Orthodontics

While aligners are a fantastic option for many orthodontic cases, it’s essential to recognize that they may not be suitable for every situation. By understanding the limitations of aligner treatment and exploring alternative orthodontic solutions, you can embark on your journey to a straighter, healthier smile with confidence

So, don’t hesitate to discuss your options with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX. You can learn more about your options at (832) 699-3683, or you can request an in-person consultation with Dr. Tun here. 

Unraveling the Mystery: How are braces made?

When it comes to achieving that picture-perfect smile, braces have been a steadfast solution for decades. They straighten misaligned teeth, correct bite issues, and contribute to overall oral health. But have you ever stopped to wonder: exactly how are braces made?

If you want to learn more about this treatment, contact Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Our top-rated orthodontist serves patients living in Tomball, Spring, and The Woodlands, TX. So, don’t wait – reserve a consultation now at (832) 699-3683!

The process of crafting braces involves a fascinating blend of science, technology, and craftsmanship. So, today, Dr. Tun answers the question, “How are braces made?” Here, our team explores the intricate steps behind the creation of these orthodontic marvels to help you understand the process better.

Step 1: Consultation and Assessment

Before Dr. Tun can make a set of braces, you must first attend a thorough consultation and assessment

During this initial phase, Dr. Tun evaluates your dental condition, takes X-rays, and creates a treatment plan tailored to your personal needs. This plan serves as the blueprint for crafting the braces.

Step 2: Impressions

Once Dr. Tun establishes the treatment plan, then our team can begin taking dental impressions. In recent years, digital scanning technology has streamlined this process, offering more accuracy and efficiency.

These impressions capture the precise shape and alignment of your teeth, providing the necessary data our team needs for creating customized braces. 

Step 3: Designing the Braces

Using your unique impressions, Dr. Tun then collaborates with skilled technicians to design your braces. These professionals meticulously plan the positioning of brackets and wires to achieve optimal alignment. This step requires careful consideration of your dental anatomy and treatment goals.

Step 4: Fabrication of Brackets and Wires

Once our team finalizes the design, then the fabrication process begins

Technicians can create brackets (which are affixed to the teeth) from high-quality materials, like stainless steel or ceramic. These materials offer durability and biocompatibility, ensuring the braces effectively exert gentle pressure to shift the teeth over time.

Similarly, technicians custom-make the wires that thread through the brackets, following the exact curve of your dental arch. These wires (often made from nickel-titanium or stainless steel) provide the necessary tension to guide teeth into their desired positions.

Step 5: Assembly and Quality Control

Once fabricated, Dr. Tun carefully bonds each bracket to the surface of the tooth using dental adhesive. Afterward, Dr. Tun inserts the wires into slots on the brackets. This assembly process demands precision and attention to detail to ensure proper functionality.

At every stage of the process, our team implements quality control measures to verify the integrity and accuracy of the braces. Our team inspects each component to detect any defects or inconsistencies that could compromise treatment outcomes.

Step 6: Customization and Final Adjustments

Once assembled, Dr. Tun makes any final adjustments and customizations to accommodate your unique dental anatomy. 

Dr. Tun may alter the positioning of brackets and wires to ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness. This step may involve trimming wires or modifying bracket placement to address specific alignment issues.

Once all changes have been made, you’ll finally be able to begin your journey toward a healthier smile with a new set of braces! 

Traditional and Clear Braces in Tomball, TX

Between the years of 2016 and 2018, data suggest around 60,000 adults took measures to straighten their smiles through orthodontic treatments, like braces. Are you ready to join the leagues of patients aspiring toward their dream smiles? Get started with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics today. 

Reserve your consultation at our Tomball orthodontic clinic online or at (832) 699-3683.

Unveiling the Power of a Great Smile: 5 Reasons to Pursue Orthodontia

In a world where first impressions matter, the power of a great smile cannot be overstated. Beyond mere aesthetics, a well-aligned set of teeth can significantly impact one’s overall health and confidence. Orthodontia, the branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting misalignments and irregularities of the teeth and jaw, offers a transformative journey towards achieving that perfect smile. 

Are you ready to unleash the power of a great smile? Start your orthodontic journey with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. Our orthodontist helps patients living in Tomball, TX, Spring, TX, and Woodland, TX, achieve their dream smiles. Schedule a consultation with our friendly team today at (832) 699-3683.

Today, Dr. Tun explores the top five reasons why pursuing orthodontic treatment can unlock the power of a great smile.

Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem

The power of a great smile lies in its ability to boost confidence and elevate self-esteem. When teeth are misaligned or crooked, individuals may feel self-conscious about their appearance, leading to a reluctance to smile openly. 

Orthodontic treatment, whether through braces or clear aligners, works to gradually align teeth, providing a visible transformation that can be a tremendous confidence booster. As your smile transforms, so does your self-assurance, allowing you to confidently navigate social and professional situations with a newfound sense of empowerment.

Improved Oral Health

Beyond the cosmetic benefits, orthodontia plays a crucial role in enhancing oral health. Misaligned teeth can create crevices that are challenging to clean, paving the way for plaque buildup and increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease

The power of a great smile is not just about appearance – it’s about maintaining a healthy mouth. Orthodontic treatments align teeth properly, making oral hygiene routines more effective and reducing the likelihood of dental issues

Enhanced Speech and Functionality

The alignment of teeth isn’t just about looks. Indeed, dental alignment also influences speech and oral functionality. Misaligned teeth can contribute to speech impediments and frustration in pronouncing certain words

Orthodontic treatments help correct these issues by aligning the teeth and improving jaw function. The power of a great smile extends beyond aesthetics to encompass the functional aspects of oral health, enabling individuals to communicate clearly and enjoy improved bite functionality.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Some individuals may hesitate to pursue orthodontic treatment due to perceived costs. However, the power of a great smile extends beyond the immediate investment. Addressing orthodontic issues early on can prevent more severe dental problems in the future, potentially saving you from costly repairs

Straightening misaligned teeth can reduce the risk of issues like tooth decay and gum disease, ultimately minimizing the need for extensive dental interventions down the road. Consider orthodontia not just as an expense but as a long-term investment in your dental well-being.

Social and Professional Success

The power of a great smile can open doors in both personal and professional spheres. In fact, we often consider someone with a confident and radiant smile as approachable and friendly. These perceptions can positively influence social interactions.

In both professional and social settings, a great smile can leave a lasting impression. This can contribute to career success, harmonious personal relationships, and overall happiness.

Unlock the Power of a Great Smile at Harmony Orthodontics

Pursuing orthodontic treatment can be a life-changing decision, impacting your confidence, oral health, and overall success in various aspects of life. Begin your journey toward a more uniform smile with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. You can reserve appointments with our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, online or at (832) 699-3683.