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Tag: retainers

Orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, Explains: Why do teeth move after orthodontic treatment?

Completing orthodontic treatment is an exciting milestone, but many patients are surprised to discover that their teeth can still shift after completing braces or clear aligner therapy. This movement, known as relapse, is a common occurrence and can be frustrating after months or even years of treatment. Our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, is here to explain why relapse happens.

Whether you want to start orthodontic treatment or maintain your hard-earned results, the team at Harmony Orthodontics has your back. Contact our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, at (832) 699-3683 to see how we can bring life, joy, and harmony to your smile!

The Dynamics of Tooth Movement

Orthodontic treatments work by applying gentle, consistent pressure on teeth, guiding them into their ideal positions. This process involves remodeling the bone around the teeth, which makes it flexible enough for the teeth to move. 

However, once this pressure is removed, the bone begins to solidify, but this process takes time. During this period, teeth are prone to shifting back to their original positions due to the elastic memory of the surrounding tissues, particularly the periodontal ligaments.

The Role of Periodontal Ligaments

Periodontal ligaments are connective tissues that attach the teeth to the surrounding bone. Without a stabilizing force, such as a retainer, these ligaments can pull the teeth back toward their original positions.

Natural Forces and Habits

Orthodontic treatment realigns teeth, but it doesn’t eliminate the natural forces that act on them. So, apart from the biological memory of teeth, natural forces like chewing and habits such as tongue thrusting or teeth grinding can influence tooth movement over time.

The Importance of Retainers

To combat shifting teeth, our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, prescribes retainers. These custom-made devices hold teeth in their new positions, allowing the surrounding bone and tissues to stabilize. 

Generally, there are two types of retainers: fixed and removable. Fixed retainers attach directly to the backs of teeth, providing continuous support. Removable retainers, on the other hand, can be taken out, which increases the risk of relapse. Indeed, 40% of removable retainer wearers experience relapse, making proper retainer wear and adherence a must.  

How Long Should Retainers Be Worn?

Generally, our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, recommends wearing retainers full-time for the first few months post-treatment. After approximately six months of continuous wear, patients can then transition to nighttime wear indefinitely. 

Consistent retainer use is crucial for long-term stability, and neglecting this can lead to relapse.

Maintaining Orthodontic Results

To ensure lasting results, it’s essential to follow Dr. Tun’s recommendations for retainer wear and care. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene, consistent retainer wear, and treating certain conditions (like teeth grinding or TMJ pain) can keep teeth aligned, healthy, and functional for life.  

Meet Our Orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, Today!

It’s normal for teeth to move after orthodontic treatment, but retainers can preserve your hard-earned results. So, keep your smile aligned for years to come with Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics today. Easily schedule appointments with our orthodontist in Woodlands, TX, here or at (832) 699-3683. 

Spring, TX, Orthodontist Explains: Why are retainers so important after braces?

Are you ready to talk about the unsung heroes of the orthodontic world? That’s right – retainers! Our Spring, TX, orthodontist is here to explain why these simple devices are your smile’s best friend after braces and Invisalign®.

Do you want to talk about smile-aligning treatments with a top-rated Spring, TX, orthodontist? Contact Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics today. You can request information and appointments by calling (832) 699-3683 now.

Why retainers?

So, picture this: you’ve just bid farewell to your braces. Your teeth are feeling freer than a bird on a sunny day, and you’re ready to flaunt that new, perfectly aligned smile to the world. 

But wait, hold the phone – there’s still one more step to go before you’re officially done with your orthodontic journey. Enter: the retainer.

Now, you might be thinking, “Why do I need a retainer after all that time with braces?” Well, strap in, because our Spring, TX, orthodontist is here to tell you why retainers are so incredibly important!

Keeping Those Teeth in Line

Think of your retainer as the guard rail that keeps your teeth in check after the braces come off. You see, even though your teeth have been straightened, they still need a little support to stay in their newfound positions. Otherwise, even two weeks without proper retention could jeopardize your newly straightened smile!

Preventing Relapse

Just like a trampoline without springs, your teeth might try to bounce back to their original misaligned positions if left to their own devices. But fear not! Wearing your retainer as directed by our Spring, TX, orthodontist can help prevent any unwanted relapse and keep that smile shining bright.

A Custom Fit for Your Pearly Whites

Unlike off-the-shelf products, your retainer is custom-designed and crafted to fit your unique dental landscape. It’s like having a cozy little home for your teeth to snuggle into, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness.

Say Cheese – Forever!

Let’s face it, you didn’t go through all that time and effort with braces just to let your smile slip back into its old ways. Wearing your retainer as prescribed can help maintain that picture-perfect grin for years to come, ensuring your investment in your smile pays off big time!

Easy Peasy Maintenance

Unlike braces, which require regular adjustments and special care routines, retainers are a breeze to maintain. Just pop them in at night (or as directed by our Spring, TX, orthodontist) and give them a quick rinse in the morning – it’s that simple!

Your Ticket to Orthodontic Freedom

Remember those pesky food restrictions and extra careful brushing and flossing routines you had to follow with braces? Well, say goodbye to all that hassle! With your trusty retainer by your side, you can enjoy all your favorite foods and breeze through your oral hygiene routine without skipping a beat.

Confidence Booster

There’s nothing quite like the confidence that comes with a beautifully aligned smile. By wearing your retainer as recommended by our Spring, TX, orthodontist, you’re not just maintaining your dental health – you’re also boosting your self-esteem and radiating positivity wherever you go!

Visit a Top-Rated Spring, TX, Orthodontist Today

Whether you’re bidding farewell to braces or simply looking to maintain that stunning smile, our Spring, TX, orthodontist is here to help. Learn more by calling Harmony Orthodontics at (832) 699-3683 or schedule an appointment with Dr. Tun online!