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Tag: crooked teeth

How Can Plaque Lead to Misaligned Teeth?

Have you ever wondered, “How can plaque lead to misaligned teeth?” It’s a fascinating question with answers that reveal just how intricate our oral health can be. That’s why our Tomball, TX, orthodontist is here to uncover the secret role that plaque plays in dental misalignment, along with some tips on how to keep your smile straight and bright.

At Harmony Orthodontics, Dr. Wint Tun can tackle even the most severe dental misalignments. So, if you live in Tomball, Spring, or Woodlands, TX, give us a call at (832) 699-3683 to schedule your one-on-one consultation now!

What is Plaque?

Plaque is that sticky, acidic film of bacteria that forms on teeth. It’s constantly developing, thanks to the foods and drinks we enjoy daily. Over time, this acidic plaque can build up, leading to dental issues like cavities and gum disease. 

How Does Plaque Develop?

Plaque develops naturally when bacteria in the mouth mix with food particles and saliva. 

Regular brushing and flossing help remove plaque, but even optimal oral hygiene can leave traces of plaque behind, leading to tartar development. And once tartar takes over, it is much harder to keep your smile clean and healthy. That’s why yearly visits to your dentist are important. 

How Can Plaque Lead to Misaligned Teeth?

Here’s where it gets interesting: how can plaque lead to misaligned teeth? 

As plaque accumulates and hardens into tartar, it causes gums to recede and become inflamed. This inflammation weakens the support system around teeth, making them more prone to shifting.

Once the gums start pulling away from teeth, pockets form where more bacteria can hide, causing further damage. The continual assault from plaque and tartar destabilizes the teeth, leading to potential movement and misalignment. 

So, how can plaque lead to misaligned teeth? By undermining the very foundation that keeps teeth in their proper positions.

Now that we understand how plaque can lead to misaligned teeth, let’s talk prevention. Keeping plaque at bay is crucial for maintaining not just a healthy smile but also a well-aligned one.

Preventive Dental Procedures

Dentists can remove tartar build-up that brushing and flossing miss. During these visits, your dentist also checks for early signs of gum disease and addresses any issues before they escalate. 

A professional cleaning every six months can make a world of difference in keeping your teeth aligned.


If misalignment does occur, orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners can help correct the problem. These treatments don’t just straighten your teeth for a prettier smile – they also improve your bite and overall oral health. 

Daily Oral Hygiene

The best defense against plaque is a good offense. So, brush your teeth after meals or at least two times daily with fluoride toothpaste. And don’t forget to clean between teeth with floss and rinse with mouthwash to keep bacteria at bay!

Here’s another tip: stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet low in sugary snacks to minimize plaque formation for a healthier, straighter smile.

Treat Dental Misalignments in Tomball, TX

So, how can plaque lead to misaligned teeth? By sneaking into the crevices of our mouths, building up, and quietly causing chaos. The good news is that a solid dental hygiene routine, regular dental check-ups, and orthodontic intervention can prevent plaque-related misalignments. 

Want to see how Dr. Wint Tun can transform your smile? Contact Harmony Orthodontics online or at (832) 699-3683 to reserve your consultation now! 

Embarrassed about crooked teeth? Here are 4 solutions.

Are you embarrassed about crooked teeth? You’re not alone. Many individuals grapple with the self-consciousness that comes with misaligned teeth. The good news is there are effective orthodontic solutions available to help you achieve a straighter, more confident smile.

At Harmony Orthodontics, we take pride in helping patients obtain their dream smiles. That’s why we offer comprehensive treatments aimed at enhancing oral health and facial aesthetics. If you’d like to consult with our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, contact Dr Wint Tun at (832) 699-3683.

If you’re embarrassed about crooked teeth, keep reading. In today’s post, we explore four solutions that can help you overcome the embarrassment associated with crooked teeth.

Traditional Braces

Embarrassed about crooked teeth? Traditional braces are a tried-and-true way to correct even the most severe misalignments. 

While old-school braces may not have been the most aesthetically pleasing option, modern braces are less conspicuous than their predecessors. Indeed, advancements in technology have reduced the visibility, discomfort, and duration of braces treatment.

While many patients believe that braces are reserved for children and teens, they are actually an ideal solution for patients of all ages. Embracing the process can lead to a lifetime of improved oral health and a confident smile.


If the thought of metal braces makes you even more embarrassed about crooked teeth, Invisalign might be the ideal solution for you

Invisalign utilizes a series of clear aligner trays to correct ill-placed or irregularly-spaced teeth. These trays are virtually invisible while in use, allowing you to straighten your teeth on the down low. 

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign trays are completely removable, which means you can take them out to make eating and oral hygiene easier. 

While Invisalign is a popular choice among all age groups, it may not be ideal for everyone. This treatment is best for patients with mild to moderate alignment issues. More severe issues may require conventional treatment methods, like lingual braces. 

Lingual Braces

For those seeking a more discreet alternative to conventional braces, lingual braces could be the answer.

Orthodontists place lingual braces on the inner surfaces of teeth, keeping the brackets and wiring hidden from view. This approach offers individuals who are embarrassed about crooked teeth an effective way to correct most misalignments. 

While these braces may take some time to get used to, the subtle nature of lingual braces can provide a confidence boost during the alignment process.

Dental Veneers

If your embarrassment about crooked teeth stems from cosmetic concerns rather than major misalignment issues, dental veneers could be a viable option. 

Dental professionals create veneers from strong materials (like porcelain), designing and shaping them into realistically tooth-like shells. Dentists can then bond these shells to the front surface of unaesthetic teeth, thereby improving the appearance of teeth and smiles for years to come. 

While veneers do not straighten teeth, they can effectively camouflage minor misalignments, providing an instant improvement in appearance. 

Embarrassed about crooked teeth? Harmony Orthodontics can help!

Experts believe that roughly 23% of adults experience some embarrassment or shame about the appearance of their smiles. Don’t let embarrassment about crooked teeth hold you back from achieving the smile you’ve always wanted. Whether you choose traditional braces or a more discreet option, there are solutions available to suit your preferences and address your concerns. Take the first step toward a straighter – schedule a consultation with Dr. Wint Tun online or at (832) 699-3683.