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Orthodontist in Tomball, TX, Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting irregularities in the teeth and jaws, ultimately enhancing your smile and overall oral health. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, then you probably have some questions. That’s why our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, is here to answer your queries about orthodontia (read more about our Tomball orthodontist here). 

Are you looking for an experienced yet affordable orthodontist in Tomball, TX? Look no further than Dr. Wint Tun at Harmony Orthodontics. With Dr. Tun, you can feel confident that you’ll receive treatments that fit your needs and budget. Give our team a call at (832) 699-3683 to schedule your consultation now!

In today’s blog, our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about orthodontia. Stick around to learn more about the process, benefits, and considerations of orthodontic treatment.

1. What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a dental specialty that involves diagnosing, preventing, and correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. Through various treatments, orthodontists work to improve both the aesthetics and functionality of your smile.

2. When is the right time for orthodontic treatment?

Children as young as 7 may benefit from early intervention, but most orthodontic treatments are typically done during the teenage years. However, adults can also pursue orthodontic treatment to achieve a healthier and more aligned smile.

3. What are the different types of orthodontic treatments?

There are several types of orthodontic treatments available, including;

  • Traditional braces
  • Clear aligners, such as Invisalign®
  • Lingual braces 
  • Retainers
  • Expanders
  • Space maintainers
  • Headgear

4. How long does orthodontic treatment take?

On average, treatment can last anywhere from one to three years. However, case complexity and patient compliance can affect overall treatment times.

5. Are orthodontic treatments painful?

Some discomfort is normal after adjustments, especially during the initial days of wearing braces or changing aligners. However, the discomfort is usually mild and temporary. 

6. How do I care for my teeth during orthodontic treatment?

Brushing and flossing may require some adjustments, but your orthodontist will provide specific instructions to ensure you keep your teeth and orthodontia clean. Regular dental check-ups are also essential.

7. Are there dietary restrictions with braces or aligners?

It is wise to avoid certain sticky or hard foods with metal braces, like popcorn, hard candy, and chewing gum. With aligners, however, you can remove them while eating, so there are no dietary restrictions.

8. Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment?

Yes, wearing a retainer is crucial after completing orthodontic treatment. Retainers preserve teeth’s new position in the mouth, which prevents them from shifting back over time. 

9. How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

The cost of orthodontic treatment varies based on factors such as:

  • The type of treatment
  • The severity of your case
  • Your geographic location
  • Your insurance coverage

Ask our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, for a breakdown of costs before proceeding with treatment.

10. Can orthodontic treatment improve my oral health?

Absolutely. Straight teeth are easier to clean, which can significantly reduce the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems.

Contact an Orthodontist in Tomball, TX, Today

Orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits beyond just aesthetic improvements. Whether you’re considering treatment for yourself or a family member, the first step toward a healthier smile begins at Harmony Orthodontics. If you’re ready to schedule a consultation with our orthodontist in Tomball, TX, then schedule your appointment online or call (832) 699-3683 now!

FAQs: Straightening Uneven Teeth with Braces or Invisalign

Crooked or uneven teeth may make you want to hide your smile, which has emotional repercussions. In contrast, straight, uniform, symmetrical teeth contribute to an attractive smile–one you’ll want to share.

When you smile, your body releases neuropeptides that reduce stress. The process continues with the release of serotonin, a natural antidepressant, and endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. If you feel good about your smile, you’ll smile often; if you smile often, you’ll feel happier. It’s a beautiful cycle that begins with your mouth.

In today’s blog, we’ll review some frequently asked questions about straightening uneven teeth with traditional or clear braces, or with Invisalign clear aligners.

How many people have crooked, uneven teeth?

According to research, 56% of humans worldwide have malocclusion, which is the improper relationship between how upper and lower teeth fit together when the mouth is shut. In the USA, this statistic is 53%. Scientific American reports that nine out of ten people have at least some dental misalignment, regardless of occlusion. So, if your teeth look crooked or uneven, you’re certainly not alone. You’re not even in the minority.

What health problems can uneven teeth cause?

  • Ineffective brushing and flossing, which leads to gum disease and cavities
  • TMJ disorder – headaches, jaw pain, tingling extremities, clicking jaw joints
  • Bruxism (clenching and grinding teeth), which causes tooth wear and breakage
  • Digestive issues
  • Speech problems
  • Breathing issues

How long does it take for braces or Invisalign to straighten uneven teeth?

Every case is different, but generally, Invisalign takes up to 18 months to straighten teeth and correct occlusion, and traditional braces take up to two years to produce the same results. 

What causes misaligned teeth?

The root cause of dental misalignments stems from a number of potential issues, including but not limited to:

  • Genetics
  • Injury
  • Jaw size and shape
  • Palate underdevelopment
  • Tooth loss and drifting
  • Eruption of wisdom teeth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Thumb/pacifier sucking
  • Poor nutrition

Can uneven teeth cause jaw pain and headaches?

Yes. If uneven teeth contribute to malocclusion, your jaw joints (TMJs) will not find a comfortable resting position. To hold the mandible in a non-restful position all day and all night, day after day, jaw muscles and nerves become overworked. This can lead to clenching and grinding teeth, which usually occur when a person is asleep. Grinding teeth leads to tooth wear, further harming occlusion, so a cycle of destruction begins.

Improperly seated or irritated jaw joints is a condition known as TMJ disorder. Symptoms include jaw, head, and neck pain, as well as migraines. 

Braces or Invisalign can balance occlusion and relieve TMJ pain. As a result, clenching and grinding also stops. If molars are worn down or otherwise damaged from teeth grinding, restoring them with dental crowns will help ensure occlusion is maintained long-term.

Which is best, Invisalign or braces?

To find out which type of orthodontic therapy is best suited to straighten your uneven teeth, schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Wint W. Tun at Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX. After reviewing fresh X-rays and conducting an oral health exam, the orthodontist will talk with you about treatment options. Some cases are better suited for Invisalign than others, but regardless of which treatment is best for you, rest assured that your teeth can be straightened.

Dr. Wint treats patients as young as age six and no one is too old for braces. Call us at 832-699-3683, and we’ll bring your dream smile to life!

5 Good Reasons to Straighten Crooked Teeth

You’re considering braces to correct crooked teeth but wonder if they’re worth the financial investment and time commitment. Studies show that improving your appearance can have a positive impact on how others perceive you, as well as career success. Even so, orthodontic therapy offers benefits beyond beauty.

In today’s blog, Dr. Wint will present five good reasons to justify straightening crooked teeth. If you have questions about what you read here or want to schedule a complimentary no-obligation consultation, call Harmony Orthodontics at 832-699-3683.

Let’s explore these important benefits of braces:

  1. Deter Periodontal Disease
  2. Improve Chewing & Digestion
  3. Prevent Excess Tooth Wear
  4. Correct Speech Problems
  5. Address Cosmetic Issues

Deter Periodontal Disease

Gum disease, AKA periodontal disease, is a chronic condition that afflicts about half of the population in the United States. It’s the leading cause of adult tooth loss and also increases a person’s risk of developing serious systemic health issues, including but not limited to heart disease, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory conditions, low-weight births, and diabetes complications. 

Crooked teeth make brushing and flossing less effective, and thus contribute to the potential for developing gingivitis–the earliest stage of gum disease. Without professional periodontal care, gingivitis will worsen.

Improve Chewing & Digestion

Mastication, commonly known as chewing food, is the first step in the digestive process. When food isn’t adequately broken down by teeth, the job of the stomach and colon becomes more difficult. You may experience gas, bloating, and nausea, in addition to not reaping the nutrition from the foods you consume. Crooked teeth can negatively impact the quality of chewing. By correcting bite issues with orthodontics, patients are better able to thoroughly masticate foods.

Avoid TMJ Disorder & Bruxism

TMJ disorder refers to the improper seating of one or both temporomandibular joints. When crooked teeth interfere with how upper and lower teeth fit together, the nerves and muscles around TMJs become irritated and inflamed as they struggle to hold the jaw in proper position. This often leads to bruxism, which means clenching and grinding teeth. As you can imagine, grinding your teeth contributes to premature tooth wear and breakage.

When we straighten teeth with orthodontic therapy like braces or Invisalign, and proper occlusion (bite) is achieved, the TMJs find true rest. Healthy TMJs can eliminate bruxism, as well, further improving the potential for good, long-term oral health.

Correct Speech Problems

Speech impediments stem from a variety of issues, one of which is crooked teeth. The teeth, tongue, and lips work together to form sounds. When teeth are crooked, sound distortions can occur. Because speech is an important part of our daily lives, the inability to speak properly can cause social and emotional issues in both kids and adults. Correcting the bite by straightening crooked teeth and establishing proper occlusion can eliminate related speech problems.

Address Cosmetic Issues

The most obvious benefit of wearing braces or Invisalign to correct crooked teeth is an improved smile. Studies show that a beautiful smile can make you appear:

  • More attractive
  • Friendlier
  • Healthier
  • Smarter
  • More successful

In addition, you’ll feel more confident in your appearance, so you might smile more often!

Your No-Cost, No-Obligation Consultation for Crooked Teeth Correction

Enjoy a head-turning smile, as well as the functional and health benefits of straight teeth. Call Harmony Orthodontics in Tomball, TX, today at 832-699-3683 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wint W. Tun. After reviewing x-rays and your oral health, Dr. Tun will discuss her findings and treatment options. She will also answer all of your questions so that you can make an informed decision about wearing braces or Invisalign to straighten your crooked teeth.

I Need to Find a Great Orthodontist Near Me

Has your general dentist referred you for an orthodontic consultation? Does your child or teen need braces? Are you interested in Invisalign for cosmetic improvements to your smile? You may be asking yourself, “How do I find a great orthodontist near me?”

Today’s blog will help you find an “orthodontist near me” by providing you with 5 important considerations for your search. We’ll cover these topics:

  • Best Location
  • Convenient Appointments
  • Extensive Dentist Training
  • Friendly, Welcoming Office Atmosphere
  • Diverse Treatment Options
  • Excellent Patient Comfort & Care

Let’s dive in!

Best Location

You’re searching for a “dentist near me,” but take a moment to consider just how often you’ll see your orthodontist. Whether you or your child need traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners, you’ll visit the orthodontist every six weeks for a check-in appointment. What would be most convenient? Do you need an ortho office that is:

  • Near work?
  • Near home?
  • Near school?

Convenient Appointments

What time of day is best for your regular orthodontic visits? With Invisalign, check-in visits take only a few minutes. For patients who wear braces, visits can take an hour or so, depending on what needs to be adjusted to keep teeth moving toward their ideal position. 

Orthodontists may offer before-work appointments, at 8 am, or after-work visits, after 5 pm, for your convenience. However, if you choose an orthodontist near your work, you could opt for lunchtime visits. 

Dentist Training

Orthodontists first earn a doctorate in dentistry, either a DMD or DDS. These degrees involve the same training. Afterward, a specialist (like an orthodontist, prosthodontist, oral surgeon, etc.) must train for an additional two or three years. This advanced training includes a hands-on residency under the supervision of experienced specialists.

The most highly trained and vetted orthodontists are board certified. This means, after earning their specialist designation, they applied to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) for board certification. The process involves hundreds of hours of work and is completely voluntary. Orthodontists can practice without board certification.

To acquire board certification, an orthodontist undergoes testing and submits cases for peer review. Selection for board certification has to do with experience and demonstrating knowledge, as well as good judgment, in practice. The entire process must be repeated every 10 years to maintain board certification.

Office Atmosphere

In addition to being clean and having a friendly, professional staff, an orthodontist’s office should make you feel welcome. The decor, seating, sites, and sounds should be upbeat and positive. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable with the physical attributes of the office or the attitudes of the team members or dentist, consider finding a new orthodontist.

Diverse Treatment Options

A trained and forward-thinking orthodontist will offer diverse treatment options for children and adults. For instance, the orthodontist may offer:

  • Traditional Braces
  • Phase 1 Orthodontics
  • Retreatment
  • Clear Braces
  • Lingual Braces
  • Invisalign
  • Invisalign First
  • Invisalign Teen
  • Other Appliances

Patient Comfort & Care

Perhaps most importantly, you need to feel emotionally and physically safe and well cared for by your orthodontist and his or her team. This means, in addition to being served well at appointments, when you call the office, you should feel respected and appreciated.

Patient comfort may also shine through in how the orthodontist and clinical team members provide care. Gentle, compassionate clinicians will ask how you feel, help you feel optimally comfortable during treatment, and offer advice for easing post-treatment discomfort.

Your “Orthodontist Near Me” Is Right Here!

Patients who live or work near Tomball, TX, should explore Harmony Orthodontics, where Dr. Wint Tun provides expert orthodontic care for patients of all ages. In our bright, welcoming office, you’ll feel respected, appreciated, and well cared for. Give us a call today at 832-699-3683 to reserve a convenient initial consultation with Dr. Tun.

What Are the Best Braces for Kids?

Your children–you adore them and so do we. Board-certified orthodontist Dr. Wint W. Tun and the compassionate, kid-friendly team at Harmony Orthodontics want to invite you and your children to join our family of patients. We always want the best for our young patients, so Dr. Tun offers a variety of braces for kids. To determine which is best for your child, schedule a no-cost, no-obligation orthodontic consultation in our Tomball office with Dr. Tun by calling 832-699-3683.

What happens at an ortho consultation?

Children’s smiles are as diverse as their personalities! All kids should have an ortho consult by age 7, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. Your little one may not need braces, or he might be best served by Invisalign First, and another child in your household may be well suited for traditional braces. This is why Dr. Tun offers a free consultation. 

At your first appointment, we will take x-rays and photos, then Dr. Tun sit down with you (and your child, if he wants) to explain her findings and treatment recommendations. Your input is important during the consultation because you can share valuable insight into the lifestyle factors and habits that will help us choose the best braces for your child.

Now, let’s explore the options. The following braces for kids are available in our Tomball orthodontist office.

Types of Children’s Braces: Ages 6 to 9

The type of braces your child needs will depend upon his specific case and age. Early orthodontics, also called phase one ortho or interceptive braces, creates additional space in the mouth for incoming permanent teeth. This allows your child to avoid future extractions, which are necessary when kids’ mouths are too small for all their permanent teeth. In addition, phase one ortho can set a child up for fewer orthodontic issues in his teens and adult years.

If a child needs phase one, Dr. Tun may suggest Invisalign First or palatal expanders prior to placing traditional braces. Both types of braces for kids have pros and cons.

Traditional Braces for Phase One Orthodontics

The braces we know from our childhood have significantly evolved in the past few decades. Today, traditional braces for kids are smaller, lighter, and less obtrusive than the train tracks you may have worn.

Dr. Tun will recommend traditional braces for kids when simpler options, like Invisalign First, won’t solve the orthodontic issues.

With braces, more precise tooth movement can be achieved. Issues like lifting teeth further out of the jaw or pressing them deeper can only be achieved with traditional braces. Twisted teeth require a straightening strategy that only traditional braces can achieve, as well. Perhaps most important, patients cannot remove traditional braces, so compliance is practically guaranteed. Invisalign First requires that the patient choose to comply every day to be effective.

Also, in phase one ortho, we use a palatal expander to guide bone growth of the upper jaw, creating room for incoming permanent teeth. While Invisalign First also expands the upper palate, it isn’t ideal for extremely narrow mouths. Once the palate is sufficiently expanded with a palatal expander, in some cases the patient can opt for Invisalign instead of traditional braces.

Invisalign First: Removable, Clear Aligners for Kids

In the past, Invisalign was made only for adults, then they created version for teenagers. Today, parents and young children can opt for Invisalign First, an effective phase one orthodontic therapy for children, ages 6 to about 9. The clear aligners are made with the same special software and materials we use for Invisalign for adults and Invisalign Teen. 

Invisalign First can expand the upper palate without the use of a traditional palatal expander with a key. However, children must wear their aligners as instructed, 22 hours per day, to see projected results. Non-compliance or partial-compliance will delay results and could allow relapse, meaning teeth shift back out of alignment when the aligner isn’t worn. Relapse creates the need for a new treatment plan, so wearing the aligners as instructed is imperative for success.

Invisalign First is wonderful for oral home care! The removable aligners can be brushed and rinsed clean, and teeth are free of any obstruction. The patient should floss and brush normally, but parents, please make sure your child does a thorough job morning and evening.

Learn More About Braces for Kids

If you want to talk with board-certified orthodontist Dr. Wint W. Tun about the best braces for your kids, give us a ring at 832-699-3683. Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation orthodontist consultation today!